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NHS feeling the burden as binge drinking becomes a British affliction
When the Government published its alcohol strategy in 2004, it concluded that drink was a problem for a “small minority” in Britain. The repeated warnings from health professionals, the statistics on alcohol-related ill health and hospital treatment, and the calculations of cost to the NHS tell a very different story. The annual number of hospital….
US expert says positive thinking is the smart way to recover from alcoholism
Joe Gerstein, founder of the Smart Recovery treatment programme that is spreading from the US as an alternative to AA, explains why he rejects the myth that alcoholism is a ‘disease’ to be endured rather than cured Alcoholism is a disease that leaves victims powerless and needing to stay in permanent recovery if they are….
Binge culture
During the holiday season many high school seniors sort out their college preferences and work on their college applications. If in the midst of that anxiety-producing process, students and parents ask college officials to comment on the culture of drinking and alcohol abuse on campus, they are likely to be assured that the school upholds….
Drug Treatment Center Facts
Various myths surround drug treatment center news and information but do you know the facts? If you are considering drug treatment for yourself or a loved one then you have got to know the facts associated with drug treatment centers to assure that you understand both what you are getting into as well as what….
Overcoming a drink problem
If you think you drink too much, and you are not content with that, then you need to take action. Nobody can force you to reduce your alcohol intake, or make you seek professional help. The only person who can take responsibility for your drinking is YOU. No one else can change your lifestyle, but….