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Alaska alcohol: Bootleg bounty?
At the Barrow Distribution Centre business is brisk, and so it should be as the only place for 200 miles (320 km) where you can get alcohol. Locals trot eagerly up the icy front steps, before emerging to struggle back down laden with cases of beer, bottles of spirits and boxes of red wine. There….
Dangers of Prescription Drug Abuse
Prescription drug abuse is steadily worsening because as more pain, anxiety, or attention deficit disorder medications are disbursed for legitimate purposes, many are being diverted to sales on the street for profit. The prescription pill business is big business on the street with a vast amount of collaboration between users, dealers, and doctors. The rapid….
Alcoholism: Losing Old Friends to Stay Sober
Alcoholism, like many addictions, is a disease of reinforcement. When you take drugs or alcohol, you feel better and when you stop drinking, you miss the feeling. By this same mechanism, the people you associate with can start to reinforce your drinking behavior. Even though, for many, alcoholism ends up being a disease of solitude….
Warning to baby boomers about drinking in older age
A recent report into alcohol and older people has suggested that our growing aging population, and its often increasing dependency on alcohol, could be a “demographic time bomb”. Specialists in health and older people at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh are calling for particular attention to be paid to problems associated with drinking in later life…..
Impaired judgment on alcohol bills
True to its history of impaired judgment when it comes to handling alcohol, the Indiana General Assembly this year placed narrow business interests ahead of public welfare — and didn’t even do so evenhandedly. Regrettably, Gov. Mitch Daniels signed into law bills to expand Sunday hours for bars, give microbreweries a special dispensation to sell….