Ascent Behavioral Health Services
366 SW 5th Avenue
Suite 100
Meridian, ID 83642
(208) 898-9755
Who Answers?
366 SW 5th Avenue
Suite 100
Meridian, ID 83642
(208) 898-9755
Substance abuse has become a 21st century epidemic with one in four homes affected. While it may seem like a personal problem, citizens pay the price in law enforcement and court costs: domestic violence, divorce, and policing drunks on the road and dealers on school campuses. The statistics are sobering. In 2008, Ottawa County alone….
The Residential treatment centers provide treatment against addiction of drugs or alcohol. In Residential treatment centers patient stays in a conductive environment with constant help and supervision from the staff. Recovery from any addiction requires changes in behaviors and reactions. A Residential treatment centers is best choice to overcome any kind of addiction. The staff….
People who socialize with heavy drinkers are more likely to imbibe a bit too much themselves. And the same holds true for teetotalers: Those who have non-drinking friends and relatives are more likely not to consume alcohol themselves, a new study found. “People are organized by their drinking behavior more than would be predicted by….
Public sector professionals have joined forces to call on the government to take tougher action to reduce harmful drinking. A survey of over 1,000 doctors, nurses, teachers, police and public health consultants shows the overwhelming majority wants tougher rules on alcohol. The joint survey was carried out on behalf of Alcohol Concern, the UK Faculty….
When two mental disorders or illnesses occur at the same time, or in sequence, in the same person, it is known as comorbidity; when these conditions are diagnosed, it is called a dual diagnosis. Mental disorders are defined by the National Institute on Drug Abuse as “A mental condition marked primarily by sufficient disorganization of….
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