Arizona Addiction Treatment Prog Inc
525 West Southern Avenue
Suite 109
Mesa, AZ 85210
(480) 644-9033
Who Answers?
525 West Southern Avenue
Suite 109
Mesa, AZ 85210
(480) 644-9033
Are you considering alcohol treatment but can decide if luxury alcohol treatment is right for you? Maybe you’ve heard about luxury alcohol treatment before but figure it’s only for celebrities such as those you see on Celebrity Rehab or you might think that luxury alcohol treatment is reserved for high end attorneys, CEOs of major….
University of Texas-Pan American freshmen Iliana Cantu and Baldomero Perez giggled while taking a survey about alcohol use. The 18-year-olds said they don’t really drink and prefer to focus on their studies. “We’re geeks,” Perez joked. But they said they have friends attending schools beyond the Rio Grande Valley where binge drinking and heavy partying….
VANCOUVER – Health workers on Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside say they have complained for years about drug addicts being offered kickbacks from pharmacists to fill their methadone prescriptions, a problem they say is getting worse. “We all know about it. The clients know about it, we know about it, but it’s like it’s falling on deaf….
Suffering from excruciating spinal deterioration, Robby Garvin, 24, of South Carolina, tried many painkillers before his doctor prescribed methadone in June 2006, just before Mr. Garvin and his friend Joey Sutton set off for a weekend at an amusement park. On Saturday night Mr. Garvin called his mother to say, “Mama, this is the first….
A report Alcohol and Older People: A Review of issues and responses by researchers at the University of the West of England, investigating the implications for care provision for older people with alcohol problems, has identified that health care practitioners and alcohol services are likely to need to move up a gear to cope with….
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