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Virtual world therapeautic for addicts: UH study shows
Patients in therapy to overcome addictions have a new arena to test their coping skills—the virtual world. A new study by University of Houston Associate Professor Patrick Bordnick found that a virtual reality (VR) environment can provide the climate necessary to spark an alcohol craving so that patients can practice how to say “no” in….
New Medications May Offer Hope to Drinkers Battling Alcohol Dependence
Individuals who experience the physical, mental and social symptoms associated with alcohol dependence are offered hope through the results of two recent studies by researchers at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC). In separate investigations, researchers found favorable results for a medication to help heavy drinkers who are trying to modify their consumption, as….
Law enforcement cracks down on binge drinking, drinking games
Free beer, dollar pitchers, two for one, three for one, bring your own cup and $1 shots – sweet music to the financially challenged, fun-seeking college student’s ear. Add in a couple games of beer pong, flip cup or quarters and the night is sure to be memorable. But when does binge drinking stop being….
To help, or at least do no harm
Canada’s Health Minister urgently needs an education in harm reduction. Announcing his intention to shut down Insite, the supervised injection facility serving drug addicts in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, Tony Clement told the House of Commons health committee that “supervised injection is not medicine; it does not heal the person addicted to drugs.” Mr. Clement got….
Starving for alcohol, bingeing on booze
A potentially new form of an eating disorder has people cutting calories to enjoy alcohol without the weight gain. Summer has arrived. As students diet and exercise to get into swimsuit shape, an extension of an eating disorder called drunkorexia makes headlines. Drunkorexia, a non-medical term, was coined by the media. It refers to “people….