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Drug Treatment Centers Teach Addicts How to Live without Drugs

When you are addicted to drugs or alcohol life can quickly slip away from you. You lose sight of priorities that matter and those normal daily routines that you used to take part in now consist of finding drugs, using drugs and recovering from the drug use so that you can find more drugs and….
Hunting ways to protect babies when mom drinks

Drinking during pregnancy can seriously harm a baby’s brain, yet thousands of mothers-to-be still do. Now scientists have begun testing whether a prenatal nutrient might offer those babies a little protection, part of a growing quest for ways to reverse the damage. The only help today: intense behavioral or educational therapies once children with fetal….
Why is booze so bad for your liver?
Usually When bar staff refuse to serve a customer it’s not that newsworthy. But when 19-year-old Gareth entered a bar in Belfast and ordered an alcoholic drink it set the headlines chattering. Why? Because he had just come from a hospital across the road where had been diagnosed with liver failure, reportedly following a weekend….
How much is too much alcohol?
For Filipinos, no celebration is complete without an abundance of food and alcohol drinks. This is clearly evident during the long Holiday season in the country, with Filipinos partying almost weekly until Christmas or New Year’s day. Experts, however, warn that people should take stock of the harm social bingeing and the occasional or regular….
Life with a 12-year-old alcoholic
Jane (not her real name) was faced with the shock discovery that her young son was drinking heavily when somebody knocked on her door to tell her he had collapsed in the street. At the age of 12, Alan, (not his real name) had drunk himself unconscious and was being revived by paramedics after attending….