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My endless battle with the bottle
Mike (not his real name) started drinking as a teen and found himself drawn into alcoholism. “I started drinking when I was about 15 or 16, but it wasn’t a regular occurrence,” he said. “At university it became more regular, but I didn’t think I had an alcohol problem, and at that point I was….
Recognizing the Need for Alcohol Treatment Centers
Compared to drug addiction treatment rates, alcoholism is the most untreated disease in the U.S., according to the Florida Institute of Technology. On average, only 1 out of every 36 people suffering from alcoholism actually gets help. Though alcoholism is officially classified as a disease, it’s a treatable condition. Alcohol treatment centers specialize in applying….
New Mexico turns a corner on drunk driving
Kenny Martinez demonstrates blowing into his ignition interlock to start his truck in Santa Fe, N.M. The state once led the nation in alcohol-related crash deaths. But tough measures, including an ignition-interlock requirement for all convicted drunk drivers, are paying off. For the last seven years, Horace, a four-time convicted drunk driver, has lived with….
New Medications May Offer Hope to Drinkers Battling Alcohol Dependence
Individuals who experience the physical, mental and social symptoms associated with alcohol dependence are offered hope through the results of two recent studies by researchers at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC). In separate investigations, researchers found favorable results for a medication to help heavy drinkers who are trying to modify their consumption, as….
Is denial always part of the deal?
Maybe denial really IS just a river in Egypt. Lorraine T. Midanik, dean of the School of Social Welfare at the University of California in Berkeley, is convinced that the contemporary concept of denial as applied to alcoholism represents a weak link in the disease model of addiction. Neither the founding fathers of Alcoholics Anonymous,….