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Australian Government Develops Strategy for Combating Alcohol Abuse
The Federal Government in Australia is developing a strategy for combating excessive alcohol consumption, spending $53.5 million dollars on a national strategy. This comes after concern about binge drinking amongst young people, a rise of alcohol-related violence and associated problems. The national approach follows state government strategies to combat alcohol abuse. One state government recently….
Inpatient or Outpatient Alcohol Treatment Program
Inpatient alcohol treatment programs are ideal for heavy dependence and strong addictions. Outpatient treatment programs can work in mild cases of alcohol dependence. Most people find that a combination of treatment, inpatient followed by outpatient, is most effective. Do you really have to live at a treatment center in order to receive appropriate help for….
Participants: County Alcohol treatment program works
Todd Hunter has been sober for two-and-a-half years. The 47-year-old Appleton man credits his sobriety in part to an alcohol program that will soon be available to convicted drunk drivers across the state. After Hunter was convicted of his third drunken driving offense in 2007, his attorney suggested he participate in the Safe Streets Treatment….
The Threads of Addiction
Many people have features of an addictive personality. They heed the call to the “pleasure center,” located in the frontal lobe of the brain. As many individuals yield to the urges and cravings of the pleasure center, negative beliefs and behaviors reinforce the need to continue self-defeating addictive patterns. Beneath the addiction, one finds personality….
Bi-polar disorder- learning the signs and symptoms
There are many emotions that we face, in our everyday life. Some situations make us happy, while some make us sad. People with bi-polar disorder, are extremely affected by these emotions. Bi-polar disorder is also known as the maniac depression or maniac depressive illness and as the name suggests this disorder involves striking mood shifts…..