Metro Treatment of New Hampshire LP Keene Metro Treatment Center
1076 West Swanzey Road
Swanzey, NH 03446
(603) 358-0050
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1076 West Swanzey Road
Swanzey, NH 03446
(603) 358-0050
Alcoholism is a thinking disease. It sneaks up and gets you where you’re weakest. It waits. It does push-ups while you’re sleeping. It’s smarter than you. Identifying alco-thought is like trying to put your finger on mercury. I was talking to a gentleman recently who has had repeated problems with his drinking. He was on….
“Co-occurring disorders”, as the name suggests, is a disorder, in which the person is affected with dual problems like that of an emotional or psychiatric problem along with drug or alcohol addiction. The “co-occurring disorder” has a great effect on the patients “psychological and physical health”. A large part of the global population is experiencing….
The rate of Army soldiers enrolled in treatment programs for alcohol dependency or abuse has nearly doubled since 2003 — a sign of the growing stress of repeated deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to Army statistics and interviews. Soldiers diagnosed by Army substance abuse counselors with alcoholism or alcohol abuse, such as binge drinking,….
Long ago, it was thought that there actually was a one-size-fits-all method of treatment for addiction that would work for everyone but this could not be more wrong. In fact, in today’s treatment field, professionals know that matching patients with treatment programs that will meet their unique and very individual needs is both highly important….
Suffering from excruciating spinal deterioration, Robby Garvin, 24, of South Carolina, tried many painkillers before his doctor prescribed methadone in June 2006, just before Mr. Garvin and his friend Joey Sutton set off for a weekend at an amusement park. On Saturday night Mr. Garvin called his mother to say, “Mama, this is the first….
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