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Anti-binge drinking campaign reminds people to know their limits
A new advertising campaign including a video which confronts young people with the reality of their drunken behaviour was unveiled by Home Office Minister Alan Campbell today. The centrepiece of this year’s Know Your Limits campaign is a new internet viral advert which shows footage of people’s sober reactions when asked to behave as they….
Binge Drinking Clogs Arteries With Plaque
The specific pathway through which binge drinking contributes to clogged arteries has been identified by University of Rochester Medical Center researchers. Alcoholic beverages contain ethanol, which is mostly converted into acetaldehyde. The Rochester team found that binge drinking-related levels of acetaldehyde make immune cells called monocyctes more likely to stick to blood vessel walls and….
Homeless alcoholics can’t just quit
Managing alcohol addiction, including free drinks, has worked wonders — and shows why we must treat addictions equally Every day, in the shadow of Parliament Hill, 30 homeless alcoholics are fed, housed and served drinks, each hour on the hour, between early morning and evening. That this “managed alcohol” program run by Ottawa’s Inner City….
A risky drug plan
Eight years ago, Californians approved Proposition 36, which was designed to send drug offenders into treatment instead of prison. Proposition 5, on the Nov. 4 ballot, would take this concept a step further. Many prosecutors and judges who deal with drug-related crime make a compelling case that this measure goes too far – and would….
Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms Treatment
Those who suffer from alcohol addiction often continue to drink simply to forgo any withdrawal symptoms from occurring. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome is a potentially life threatening illness that can last for many days or even weeks following an individual’s decision to stop drinking but there is help. Many options are available for alcohol withdrawal symptoms treatment….