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Our problem with drink
The lowering of the drinking age has led to an explosion in teenage drink-driving convictions, new figures show. Sunday Star-Times’ analysis of drink-driving convictions over the past decade show teenage New Zealanders, women and those aged 40-plus are our worst drink-drivers. But the teen figures are the most alarming in 2006, excess breath-alcohol convictions for….
Binge drinking mums
Almost a thousand Scots babies are suffering from potentially fatal brain and organ damage because mothers are drinking too much in the early stages of pregnancy, research has revealed. Many more babies in Scotland may also face a lifetime suffering from malformations or learning difficulties. Researchers say the effects of excessive drinking on unborn babies….
Pregnant alcoholics may face mandatory rehabilitation
As the Number of Finnish children living in families with alcohol abuse issues has grown in recent years, so too has the number of pregnant Finnish women harming their unborn children through excessive use of alcohol. According to recent estimates, around six per cent of pregnant Finns drink heavily during pregnancy, meaning that over 3,000….
Binge Drinking Clogs Arteries With Plaque
The specific pathway through which binge drinking contributes to clogged arteries has been identified by University of Rochester Medical Center researchers. Alcoholic beverages contain ethanol, which is mostly converted into acetaldehyde. The Rochester team found that binge drinking-related levels of acetaldehyde make immune cells called monocyctes more likely to stick to blood vessel walls and….
Stages of Alcoholism
Three major stages of alcoholism and how it works. There is some debate over how many stages there are in alcoholism, but let’s go with the three major stages–early (a.k.a. adaptive), middle, and end (a.k.a. late). It’s important to understand the main parts of each stage. Early Stage How does the early stage work? The….