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Treatment & Detox Guide
Sober second thoughts on problem drinking
I had a friend once who had a promising future in the advertising profession. He was a terrific salesman and creative thinker. He loved booze. Friday afternoons when we’d get paid we go to a popular watering hole and have a few cool ones with co-workers. I noticed often when we had enough and ready….
Treatment Rates Increase for those Addicted to Benzodiazepines & Narcotic Painkillers
A recent survey found that the number of people who have entered treatment for addiction to benzos such as Valium and Xanax as well as narcotic painkillers such as Oxycodone has increased more than 500% in the past ten years. The overall increase in substance abuse treatment admissions during this period of time was just….
Detox is basically the short term used for detoxification. It means removing the toxic substances present in your body. Detox also refers to the withdrawal period when an individual’s body returns to homeostasis after using an addictive substance for a long period of time. This is one of the important functions of the kidneys, liver….
Adolescent substance abuse
The use of harmful drugs has spread worldwide. People of all ages have become addicted to harmful chemical substances like the drugs, alcohol and smoking, which alters their physical and mental state. To track down the use of drugs in these people is impossible, but a general survey has estimated that adolescent drug abuse rates….
Teen drug rehabilitation
Teens are very prone to addiction or drug abuse. It may start with trial of excitement or fun with friends, but they may never know when they get addicted to such a harmful thing. The habit of taking drugs, can largely affect the performance of the teen in the school and also at sports, hampering….