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Treatment & Detox Guide
How much is too much alcohol?
One night of binge drinking, while seemingly harmless, may end up killing you. Gastroenterologist Benny Ang said that most men can stomach two units of alcohol – two beers, two shots of whisky or two glasses of wine – a day. For most women, their limit is one unit of alcohol a day. Exceed that,and….
Was It OK to Insist That He Receive Alcohol Treatment?
If an employer requires an employee to complete an inpatient alcohol treatment as a condition of keeping his job, does it regard him as an alcoholic? What happened. “Clark” worked for Seward County, Nebraska, from 1981 until 2005. He was a Vietnam veteran who suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and took medication to control….
Bracelet monitors offenders' alcohol intake
Like a protective Big Brother, Northwest Kansas Community Corrections has an arsenal of gadgets it uses to monitor the behavior of the inmates it oversees. One of the most promising up-and-coming devices being used is the Scram alcohol monitoring bracelet. Worn on the ankle, the bracelet uses samples of insensible perspiration through the skin to….
Overcoming a drink problem
If you think you drink too much, and you are not content with that, then you need to take action. Nobody can force you to reduce your alcohol intake, or make you seek professional help. The only person who can take responsibility for your drinking is YOU. No one else can change your lifestyle, but….
The Genetics of Alcohol Abuse
DNA plays a role in the amount of alcohol you drink, researchers say. Among alcohol-dependent (AD) individuals, DNA variations in the brains serotonergic system influence drinking intensity. Specifically the serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4) contributes to a persons inclination to drink. Researchers analyzed the associations between 275 AD patients seeking treatment and six variations of SLC6A4…..