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Legal drugs spark a boom in pill popping
MY “LEGAL ecstasy party pills” arrive in small, white medicine containers, complete with recommended dosage and a safety seal. “Herbal supplements,” reads the package, but these drugs promise far more – guaranteeing to “add extra kick to your partying” by meddling with the body and mind. It’s a drug high, but one that “will not….
Children ‘copy parents’ drinking’
Parents underestimate the influence their own drinking habits have on their children’s attitude to alcohol, government research suggests. A Department for Children, Families and Schools study suggests children from heavy-drinking households are more likely to use alcohol themselves. And half of young people who have drunk alcohol were given it by their parents. It comes….
Why should we care about cannabis?
Approximately 4 per cent of the world’s adults – some 162 million people – use cannabis every year, making it the world’s most widely used illicit drug. In some countries, more than half of all young people have tried it. In spite of this high rate of usage, many basic facts about cannabis remain obscure…..
Getting sober in the Jewish community
Like the term teetotaler, the notion that Jews can’t be alcoholics is a bit quaint. It’s also a myth that can be an obstacle on the often painful but ultimately exhilarating path to recovery. “I think it can make it more difficult,” says a Camden County businessman and Reform Jew who, at 51, has been….
Alcoholics' families need support, too
Alcoholics Anonymous is well known as a self-help programme for people who regularly abuse alcohol, now known to be one adult in five. But the despair, confusion and resentment suffered by the alcoholic is invariably felt by their family too. I know this from both sides of the fence: as the child of a drink-dependent….