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5 Ways to Make the Most Out of Alcohol Abuse Treatment
The decision to get needed alcohol abuse treatment often comes with more than a few concerns and doubts. No doubt, the alcohol-affected state of mind a person reaches by the time he or she considers getting treatment doesn’t make the process any easier. Of all the types of addiction treatment available, alcohol abuse treatment carries….
Research finds gene bringing together animal and human research in alcoholism
An important genetic study conducted through Mayo Clinic has identified vital new information concerning alcoholism in subjects with European ancestry, according to a recent issue of Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research. Research findings indicate that alcohol dependence is highly inheritable, although specific genes and their variations associated with this illness remain unknown. Animal model studies….
Side effects of over consumption can be fatal
When it comes to drinking, it seems as though Americans are fond of taking an alcoholic beverage from time to time. In a Gallup Consumption Habits poll, 63 percent of Americans reported that they drink alcohol, while 37 percent reported they abstain. While alcohol is typically not harmful in moderation, and can actually be beneficial….
Understanding what alcohol does to your body
The holiday season brings plenty of reasons to celebrate and with them the temptation to eat and, perhaps, drink a little more than is wise. As we all know but sometimes forget, drinking too much inevitably leads to headaches, loss of energy and generally feeling rotten. But there’s only one sure way to avoid a….
Mixing Drinks With Work and Staying Sober, Too
FOR Del Pedro, a bartender at the Pegu Club in SoHo, Mondays are especially challenging. That’s when he allows himself careful tastes of new drinks at the bar, where cocktails are designed with precision. Mr. Pedro, an alcoholic with almost 15 years of sobriety behind him, is part of a quiet brigade of people who….