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Quit alcohol to lead a better life
Drinking alcohol has time and again proven to be hazardous for all. Several tragedies and unpleasant incidents can be credited to heavy drinking habits. Though it may seem difficult, the habit can be given up by following some simple and smart steps. Every Year, thousands die in alcohol-related tragedies – acute alcohol poisonings, car accidents,….
Bi-polar disorder
The list of disorders is very unending. There are various different disorders that can be contracted by an individual. Most of the disorders largely affect the mental health of the patient. Bi-polar disorder is a similar type of disease affecting a large number of the total population around the world. Scientifically the Bi-polar disorder is….
Cabbie reveals binge-drinking nightmare
Adelaide cabbie Avel Aretas reveals in this graphic account our city’s binge drinking nightmare: Adelaide is the Festival City, but there is one event we should not be proud of – the Adelaide Binge Drinking Festival. It is held every Friday and Saturday night and doesn’t discriminate, involving everyone from 12-year-olds to 60-year-olds, from the….
Is 18 too young to drink a beer?
Is 18 too young to drink a beer? A group of college and university presidents and administrators have called for a public debate to rethink the legal drinking age in the United States. Some of them openly support lowering the age to 18 from 21; others are truly looking for help in dealing with a….
Sleep problems persist, but there’s still hope for recovering alcoholics, new study finds
Sleep was an issue at the beginning for “Joe,” a recovering alcoholic from Evanston, but two years and nine months down the line, instead of drinking to pass out, he sleeps through the night. “Now it’s a pleasure to live. That’s what motivated me,” said Joe, who asked that his real name be withheld. Joe’s….