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Treatment & Detox Guide
Emerson sponsors Alcoholics Anonymous
Emerson’s Center for Health and Wellness is sponsoring Alcoholics Anonymous meetings on campus, responding to a student’s initiative to offer the outlet to sufferers of alcoholism. A student-led action to offer an outlet to those prone to the accessible excesses of collegiate life, the program was founded by Brady Frome, a sophomore Theatre Education major….
Bi-Polar disorder
Bi-polar is generally a cyclic disease where individuals display depressive and elevated episodes at regular intervals. It is a disorder resulting from the imbalance of the chemicals in the brain that causes a lot of fluctuations of mood. It is a fact that we all experience happy and sad moods, but people with bi-polar disorder….
Do I Have an Alcohol Use Disorder
People who drink hazardous amounts of alcohol are at risk of becoming physically dependent, psychologically overwhelmed and essentially paralyzed by alcohol use disorder. The World Health Organization has developed a method of assessment and screening that helps to identify alcohol use disorder in heavy drinkers. This test, known widely as AUDIT or the Alcohol Use….
Critics call for action on drug kickbacks
VANCOUVER – Health workers on Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside say they have complained for years about drug addicts being offered kickbacks from pharmacists to fill their methadone prescriptions, a problem they say is getting worse. “We all know about it. The clients know about it, we know about it, but it’s like it’s falling on deaf….
Types of Pain Killer Addiction Treatment
Pain killer addiction can pose serious challenges in treatment. Many different methods of pain killer addiction treatment exist to help people who suffer from physical dependence to reclaim their lives and get on the right path to sobriety and long term recovery. For most recovering addicts, the first step in healing is to spend time….