Davis Behavioral Health Inc Children and Youth
934 South Main Street
Layton, UT 84041
(801) 546-1168
Who Answers?
934 South Main Street
Layton, UT 84041
(801) 546-1168
When you or a loved one needs drug treatment tons of questions go through your head. What will the drug treatment be like? Will it work for me or my loved one? How long with drug treatment take? Are drug treatment centers safe? The list of questions you likely have can go on and on….
Binge drinking typically conjures images of college frat boys at wild house parties smashing Lone Star cans on their foreheads. Texas State student Sarah Brown, however, knows a different reality. She’s seen firsthand that men haven’t cornered the market on binge drinking. “There’s a lot of guys who want to drink as much as they….
Imbibing too much at the punch bowl at holiday parties or at other times when alcohol is flowing freely can hurt more than your sobriety and waistline. Overindulgence with booze can cause a condition doctors call holiday heart syndrome. It can happen to anyone of any age. “Anywhere from very young to middle aged or….
Many people who find themselves in the need for quality addiction treatment wonder if there are any forms of insurance coverage available to assist in paying for the cost of treatment. While there are not state mandates in every state (not as of yet anyway) there are some ways that you can get insurance for….
While the physiological damage and social havoc created by alcohol abuse and dependency are well-known, it is also true that light-to-moderate drinking has certain health benefits. This mini-review summarizes a roundtable discussion held at the July 2007 annual meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism in Chicago, Illinois. Results will be published in the February….
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