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Alcoholism among older people may be overlooked
As people age, they may tend to mix alcohol with prescription drugs. Disaster can ensue. Research suggests alcoholism among the elderly may not be diagnosed or is simply overlooked. Todd Wagner, clinical director at Blue Mountain Counseling in Dayton, said alcoholism among seniors is a growing problem, often going unnoticed. Maybe providers aren’t asking seniors….
Reasons to Choose Inpatient Drug Treatment Over Outpatient Drug Treatment
There are a number of reasons why one type of drug treatment may or may not prove to be more effective than the other. Ultimately, the reasons that you choose inpatient drug treatment versus outpatient drug treatment may differ significantly from the next person but the end result is the same—inpatient drug treatment tends to….
How many alcoholics who get help stay sober?
It’s hard to say. Data on the effectiveness of treatment programs is scarce, but Idaho has just started to track some patients. Reliable information is practically nonexistent on whether alcoholics who go through treatment stay off alcohol in the long run, says Patrick Neeser, coordinator of a Boise outpatient treatment center. “There’s very few long-term….
Are Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers the Only Option for Recovery?
While traditional alcohol abuse treatment centers operate off of standardized treatment methods, not everyone can benefit from a standardized treatment approach. As different people have different treatment needs, alternative alcohol abuse treatment centers try to approach alcohol recovery from a less restrictive perspective. Alternative alcohol abuse treatment centers offer services more geared towards specific aspects….
Recent study finds men more likely to become alcoholics
A recent study in Lancet Medical Journal says men are twice as likely as women to become alcoholics. Casual drinking may lead to something more serious. A study released this month shines a light on the risks of alcohol abuse, especially among those with a “Y” chromosome. The report says men are twice more likely….