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Alcohol Linked to Cancer Risk in Women
Study Shows Even Low-to-Moderate Drinking Raises Risk of Cancer Women who drink as little as one alcoholic beverage a day — be it beer, wine, or hard liquor — have a significantly higher cancer risk than women who don’t drink at all, a study shows. Researchers followed more than 1.2 million middle-aged women for an….
So many women under alcohol influence
Drunk and disengaged, they put themselves, others in danger This promises to be a good year for Renee Palmer. Next month, she celebrates 10 years of sobriety. Looking back, Palmer hardly recognizes the woman she was in her 30s: a woman who would empty a 20-ounce bottle of Pepsi, leaving just enough to season a….
Pill could fight alcoholism
For alcoholics, experts say the consequences of addiction last long after an evening binge to affect abusers’ entire lives, from restless mornings to sleepless nights. BU School of Medicine is conducting a clinical trial to test the effectiveness of a psychiatric medication that could eliminate or significantly reduce heavy drinkers’ cravings for alcohol, according to….
The worst recipe for violence … just mix alcohol and Valium
Mixing Valium and alcohol is the most potent mix for committing violent offences, according to new research commissioned by the Scottish Prison Service. A study of 16 and 17-year-old boys at Polmont Young Offenders Institution found that many of them had committed their offences because they had taken diazepam and alcohol together. They said it….
Drinking to death, one glass at a time
Middle-Aged drinkers are consuming alcohol at unprecedented levels, with many unaware their “social” drinking is killing them. Using increased stress as a justification for a tipple, many are downing more than three standard (100ml wine, 280ml beer) drinks each day, which can more than double their risk of diseases such as liver cirrhosis and heart….