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Psychologial Effects of Alcohol Abuse, Dependence
April is alcohol awareness month and one important issue to consider is that alcohol dependence, or alcoholism, and alcohol abuse can be linked to depression and other mental disorders. There are many studies that demonstrate this link, but one study reported by ScienceDaily suggested that “problems with alcohol abuse may lead to an increased risk….
Unmistakable Signs of Meth Addiction and the Need for Treatment
When a loved one is addicted to methamphetamine the most important thing to do is get them into treatment immediately. Crystal meth, also known as glass or methamphetamine, is a dangerous drug and a meth addiction is a widely growing problem throughout the United States. Methamphetamine addiction is a very dangerous condition that requires immediate….
Drug Addiction
Drug addiction means an intense craving for the desire to have a drug at any time, regardless of place or time. You want to use it again and again. You will have unpleasant physical reactions if you stop it. It is not so that everyone who uses drugs becomes addicted to it. Addiction refers to….
Alcohol abuse among women is on the rise
Almost 2.5 million women are alcoholics. Many of these women are busy juggling families and careers — all while hiding a dangerous habit. Health Specialist Denise Dador takes a look at how these”cocktail moms” go from happy hour to addiction. A deadly wrong-way crash in New York last summer shoved the issue of alcoholism into….
How Drug Abuse Treatment Helps You Stay Clean and Sober
Whether addicted to drugs or alcohol, the physical and psychological effects of addiction can transform a normal everyday person into a shell of what he or she once was. Addictive substances are well known for their ability to alter brain function in such a way as to create a cycle of dependency that becomes all….