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Many unaware of alcohol calories
Many people are unaware of the calorie content of alcohol, a survey shows. Four in 10 did not know a glass of wine has the same calories (120) as a slice of cake, or that a pint of lager and a small sausage roll have 170 each. The poll of 2,000 adults in England was….
Substance Abuse Among Youth

The young people of the 21st century encounter life situations, pressures and temptations unlike any other generation before them. These experiences coupled with the volatile hormonal changes taking place in teens make for a population highly susceptible to substance abuse issues. Youth substance abuse rates remain a cause for concern among parents, teachers and communities….
A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held today to mark a construction milestone at British Columbia’s first long-term residential treatment centre for youth challenged by addiction. The event at The Crossing at Keremeos was held to celebrate the completion of Ashnola Lodge, a residential building that will provide accommodation for 20 youth, along with space for programs…..
Recovered Alcoholics Still Face Difficulties Recognizing Emotions
Though they may have recovered, a new study confirms that alcoholics may still face social difficulties. Now, researchers have demonstrated that after recovery, the brains of people suffering from alcoholism still process things differently, which may lead to difficulties recognizing emotions in others. The researchers looked at brain scans of 15 former alcoholics and 15….
You want treatment?
I had an interesting Blog Comment from Pavel Nepustil, a Czech republic NGO worker and PhD student, currently in Houston, USA, on a Fullbright Scholarship. Pavel came over to see us in Cardiff last year and we decided we would work together. He is one bright ‘cookie’ and very dedicated to this field. He got….