to speak with an alcohol or drug abuse counselor.
Who Answers?
West Virginia Treatment Centers
West Virginia AA Meetings
West Virginia Area 73 Alcoholics Anonymous
Al-Anon Family Groups
West Virginia Al-Anon / Alateen
Mental Health Services
Health & Human Bureau for Behavioral Health
West Virginia Behavioral Healthcare Providers
West Virginia Behavioral Health
Well WVU Mental Health
Anonymous Groups
Greater WV Area – NA
Mountaineer Region NA
NA Wheeling West Virginia
Cocaine Anonymous – call (800) 347-8998
West Virginia Gamblers Hotline – call 855-2CALLGA
Sex Addicts Anonymous West Virginia
Marijuana Anonymous West Virginia
West Virginia Helplines
AIDS Hotline – call (800) 642-8244
Rape Crisis Center – call (304) 523-0558
West Virginia Child/Adult/Domestic Violence Abuse Hotline – call 800-352-6513
Runaway youth and family crisis center – call 800-999-9999
Treatment & Detox Guide
Alcohol is being used as a tool to mask the inner demons of the middle classes, the chief executive of a new body to tackle substance abuse claimed last night. Binge drinking – commonly perceived as a problem associated with rowdy town and city centres – is equally evident in homes across Wales, according to….
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Binge drinking is more likely to be caused by parental example than allowing a teenager a glass of wine with a meal, according to the head of York’s youth offending team. The comments of Simon Page come after the Government’s chief medical advisor, Sir Liam Donaldson, said under 15s should drink no alcohol whatsoever and….
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Mixing Valium and alcohol is the most potent mix for committing violent offences, according to new research commissioned by the Scottish Prison Service. A study of 16 and 17-year-old boys at Polmont Young Offenders Institution found that many of them had committed their offences because they had taken diazepam and alcohol together. They said it….
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Nearly 267,000 heroin and crack users are on benefits and will be required to own up to their drug problems and take treatment – or lose their money, James Purnell the work and pensions secretary, will say today. He will also announce measures that may take as many as 200,000 families out of child poverty…..
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“A little 8-year-old boy told me that his mother was a drug addict. She would use drugs and pass out. “He told me he would carry his little baby brother down the street to the store to buy milk and feed the baby because his mom was passed out.” Tammy Grantz, Prevention Workz executive director,….
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