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Treatment & Detox Guide
Finding Help at Dual Diagnosis Treatment Programs
Dual diagnosis treatment programs help individuals who have a substance abuse problem as well as a mental illness A high percentage of people who abuse drugs or alcohol have been linked to having at least one mental disorder Almost thirty percent of people who suffer from a mental disorder begin to use drugs or alcohol….
Watch elders' alcohol habits
Fa-la-la! ‘Tis the holiday season, and there’s Nanna getting into the eggnog and batting her eyes. Or Pops, with a face as red as Santa Claus refilling his glass, laughing a little too much. Nice that the old folks are having such a good time! They’ve worked hard for so many years. Now they can….
The seriously inconvenient truth on drugs
For those who warmly applaud Gordon Brown’s declared desire to toughen up the law on cannabis, raising it from a Class C to Class B drug, there is always a simple question. How would you react if your son, or perhaps your grandchild – otherwise law-abiding and blameless citizens – were caught with that drug….
Statistics show youths are drinking earlier
When Saratoga County sheriff’s deputies broke up an underage drinking party in Ballston last month and charged 22 area teens with possession of alcohol, reactions varied. Some thought the kids got a bum deal. Many, however, agreed the community as a whole needs to remain proactive in stemming teen drinking. Statistics show youths are starting….
Alcoholics to lecture young on dangers of drink
Health boards are to receive £36m to help fight Scotland’s culture of alcohol abuse. Part of the funding will be spent on projects where recovering alcoholics will mentor youngsters on the dangers of drinking too much. The largest single handout will go to NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, which will receive more than £9m. NHS….