to speak with an alcohol or drug abuse counselor.
Who Answers?
West Virginia Treatment Centers
West Virginia AA Meetings
West Virginia Area 73 Alcoholics Anonymous
Al-Anon Family Groups
West Virginia Al-Anon / Alateen
Mental Health Services
Health & Human Bureau for Behavioral Health
West Virginia Behavioral Healthcare Providers
West Virginia Behavioral Health
Well WVU Mental Health
Anonymous Groups
Greater WV Area – NA
Mountaineer Region NA
NA Wheeling West Virginia
Cocaine Anonymous – call (800) 347-8998
West Virginia Gamblers Hotline – call 855-2CALLGA
Sex Addicts Anonymous West Virginia
Marijuana Anonymous West Virginia
West Virginia Helplines
AIDS Hotline – call (800) 642-8244
Rape Crisis Center – call (304) 523-0558
West Virginia Child/Adult/Domestic Violence Abuse Hotline – call 800-352-6513
Runaway youth and family crisis center – call 800-999-9999
Treatment & Detox Guide
Maltese boozers start younger but handle their drink better, an international study finds. And while the law has often been amended to address issues such as underage drinking, enforcement has to date been scant. James Debono analyses our alcohol culture through statistics Maltese teenagers are more likely to binge than their peers in the United….
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The young woman in the bikini top and bottle tan was having a good time in the bright afternoon sun. Gyrating opposite the Muscle Beach Gym on the boardwalk at Venice beach, she chanted her mantra in an eastern European accent. “The doctor is here! The doctor is here!” Sitting behind her in a beach….
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It’s sad to have to report the death of a teenager due to alcohol. By now, most local residents have heard the tragic story of 18-year-old Francisco Martinez, whose life was snuffed out just 20 minutes into the new year when he was hit by a car on a rural road. According to reports, the….
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About 40 percent of reformed alcoholics wanted to commit suicide in the past, and about 20 percent actually tried to do so, according to a survey by a national suicide prevention center. The center conducted a comprehensive survey on former alcoholics between April and June this year. The percentage of former alcoholics who had wanted….
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A recent study conducted by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) shows that online interventions for problem alcohol use can be effective in changing drinking behaviours. Individuals given access to an online screener at reduced their alcohol consumption by 30 per cent — or six to seven drinks weekly — a rate….
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