to speak with an alcohol or drug abuse counselor.
Who Answers?
Virginia Treatment Centers
Virginia AA Meetings
Virginia AA Area 71
Virginia AA Area 71 District Meetings
Northern Virginia Intergroup
AA in Central Virginia
Al-Anon Family Groups
Virginia Al-Anon / Alateen
Northern Virginia Al-Anon
Mental Health Services
Virginia Dept. of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
Mental Health America of Virginia
Henrico County, VA Mental Health & Developmental Services
Chesterfield County, VA Mental Health Support Services
Anonymous Groups
Central Atlantic Region NA
Blue Ridge Area NA
Dulles Corridor Area of NA
Cocaine Anonymous – Northern Virginia
Marijuana Anonymous – Virginia
Virginia Sex Addicts Anonymous
Virginia Gamblers Anonymous – call (434) 563-6694
Virginia Helplines
STD/AIDS Hotline – call (800) 533-4148
Virginia Suicide – 866-4-U-TREVOR
Child Abuse / Neglect Hotline – call 800-552-7096
State Elder Abuse Hotlines – call 888-83-ADULT
Virginia Rape Crisis Center Hotline – call (205) 323-7273
Teen helpline – call 800-SAY,TEEN
Treatment & Detox Guide
Getting a loved one to seek help and accept treatment for a drug addiction can be all but an easy task to complete, especially when the addict thinks that there “isn’t anything wrong.” It’s the telltale sign, the always heard excuse of an addict—there’s nothing wrong, they aren’t addicted, they don’t NEED help, etc. So….
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For atheists who are addicted to alcohol or drugs, recovery programs that urge reliance on a “higher power” can be problematic. What is this higher power? Despite protestations to the contrary, the term is obviously meant as a synonym for God. Substituting “nature,” “or “science” or some such thing doesn’t quite cut it. There is….
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People with Co-occurring disorder face both mental problems as well as alcohol addiction problems at the same time. This is a condition that occurs very often and hence the first treatment for the co-occurring disorder is the medical detoxification. It generally takes three to five days for the alcohol detoxification in a medically supervised center….
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The term ‘heroin addiction’ conjures up images of the down and out, malnourished and skeletal, banging up drugs in a backdrop of squalor with a dirty syringe full of god knows what; a tatty piece of cord-turned-tourniquet, clenched between the teeth with its distal end inflating the last surviving veins. An arm ravaged by years….
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Not all drug treatment centers are effective at treating all types of addictions. Some people require a special approach to drug treatment and will even attempt multiple drug treatment programs before finally finding one that truly works for them and their addiction. Sometimes, no matter how hard an individual ties, a drug treatment center may….
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