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Young 'ignore alcohol campaigns'
Health campaigns warning of the dangers of alcohol are being ignored by many young people who see binge drinking as acceptable, researchers say. A study by Birmingham and Bath universities suggests the government must stop “demonising” young people in its attempts to promote safe drinking. Researchers interviewed 89 people in England aged 18-25 over three….
Fears over alcohol test for mothers
Screening breast milk could increase women’s drinking and harm their babies, say doctors Opinions differ among doctors on what are safe levels of alcohol for a breastfeeding mother. A product that tests for traces of alcohol in breast milk has triggered warnings that mothers who rely on its findings could damage the health of babies….
Getting help to cut alcohol
Richard started drinking a few glasses of red wine in the evening to relax and pass the time. But gradually a couple of glasses turned into a bottle – and then two. Without realising it Richard, a 51-year-old professional, was soon drinking 126 units a week – four and a half times more than the….
The Holidays: Challenges and Survival Guide for Sober Alcoholics
Why are the holidays difficult for sober alcoholics? The holidays can be a triggering and challenging time for sober alcoholics, particularly for those in early sobriety. But why? There are a variety of reasons and this time of year can prove to be emotionally charged even for non-alcoholics. The holidays can be bittersweet, in that….
Binge Drinking Not Just a Rite of the Young
Older alcoholics tend to drink heavily more often than younger people, study finds. Older people who are problem drinkers consume more alcohol than their younger counterparts, a new report finds, possibly because they need more alcohol to achieve the same effect. According to a study released this month, people dependent on alcohol who are older….