Deciding to seek help for alcoholism is the very first step to finally recovering from a dangerous and deadly addiction to alcohol, but it’s also one of the most difficult decisions you will ever make. Choosing between the many alcoholism treatment centers that are available to help you or a loved one overcome addiction is….
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Researchers know that alcoholism can damage the brain’s frontal lobes and cerebellum, regions involved in language processing. Nonetheless, alcoholics’ language skills appear to be relatively spared from alcohol’s damaging effects. New findings suggest the brain maintains language skills by drawing upon other systems that would normally be used to perform other tasks simultaneously. Prior neuroimaging….
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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools have a new program to tackle binge drinking in teens, which seems to start before they head to college, according to a national survey. The survey by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services said 18 percent of 12 to 20-year-olds are binge drinkers. The school system is using federal money for….
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Women who drink the same amount as men may not be found as attractive as they think, a recent psychology study says. A March 9 report by the American Psychology Association said an increasing amount of women think they should drink excessively to impress men. Surveys conducted showed 71 percent of college women think men….
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At the Barrow Distribution Centre business is brisk, and so it should be as the only place for 200 miles (320 km) where you can get alcohol. Locals trot eagerly up the icy front steps, before emerging to struggle back down laden with cases of beer, bottles of spirits and boxes of red wine. There….
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