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A path to recovery
Michael Walsh lost 16 years to alcohol and cocaine addiction. Now sober, he’s trying to help others find their way out through a new secular peer-support group called LifeRing. Alcoholics Anonymous was instrumental in his recovery, but as an atheist, Walsh, now 41, struggled with the concept of the higher power found in AA’s program…..
We have a drinking problem, say Aussies
The majority of Australians say the nation has a drinking problem, new research reveals. Almost 80 per cent of adults think Australians drink too much and 85 per cent want to see more action to address excessive drinking, a Galaxy survey commissioned by the Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation Foundation (AER) has found. The survey showed….
Why Doctors Are Giving Heroin to Heroin Addicts
Treating heroin addicts by giving them heroin might seem counterintuitive. But for some of the most hardened addicts, administering heroin in supervised clinics may just do the trick where detox and methadone have failed. Following the lead of Switzerland and a handful of other countries, Britain recently concluded a four-year trial in which longtime addicts….
What is an Intervention & How Does it Work
Alcohol and drug addictions can take a considerable toll on the addict as well as the people in the addict’s life. By its very nature, addiction sets a person up to deny its existence as a problem, so loved ones are already at a disadvantage when trying to help an addict change his or her….
Is Private Addiction Treatment Right for Me?
There are many benefits to private addiction treatment but that doesn’t necessarily mean that this method of treatment is the right action for everyone who is addicted to drugs or alcohol. Many people cannot afford private addiction treatment and for others, the utmost privacy that is provided in these programs is simply more than necessary….