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Treatment & Detox Guide
‘Take a look at your boozing’
People should take an honest look at their alcohol intake before they cross the line into addiction, the head of a Tayside alcohol dependency support group said today. Catherine Lawson, chairwoman of the Tayside Alcohol Problem Service Clients’ Council, said it was vital for people to be aware of their personal drinking habits to ensure….
NHS feeling the burden as binge drinking becomes a British affliction
When the Government published its alcohol strategy in 2004, it concluded that drink was a problem for a “small minority” in Britain. The repeated warnings from health professionals, the statistics on alcohol-related ill health and hospital treatment, and the calculations of cost to the NHS tell a very different story. The annual number of hospital….
Is 18 too young to drink a beer?
Is 18 too young to drink a beer? A group of college and university presidents and administrators have called for a public debate to rethink the legal drinking age in the United States. Some of them openly support lowering the age to 18 from 21; others are truly looking for help in dealing with a….
Cancer Treatment
Cancer is a disease seen in many people. It is an unpredictable and an uncanny condition. But, today medical science has advanced so much in the different fields of cancer treatment that the cures and treatment for cancer are readily available. There are different alternatives available and the choice of a particular one depends upon….
Scotland's drink problem
DEEP down, we all know Scotland has a drink problem. But what are you prepared to do about it? This must be the starting point for us all this week as we consider proposals to be brought forward by Kenny MacAskill, our crusading Justice Secretary. MacAskill has taken it upon himself to make Scots wake….