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Psychologial Effects of Alcohol Abuse, Dependence
April is alcohol awareness month and one important issue to consider is that alcohol dependence, or alcoholism, and alcohol abuse can be linked to depression and other mental disorders. There are many studies that demonstrate this link, but one study reported by ScienceDaily suggested that “problems with alcohol abuse may lead to an increased risk….
SOS offers addiction recovery without religion
For atheists who are addicted to alcohol or drugs, recovery programs that urge reliance on a “higher power” can be problematic. What is this higher power? Despite protestations to the contrary, the term is obviously meant as a synonym for God. Substituting “nature,” “or “science” or some such thing doesn’t quite cut it. There is….
New Research on the "European" Approach to Teenage Drinking
Should parents allow their teenage children to drink alcohol? Restaurants in Germany can legally sell alcohol to a teenager after his sixteenth birthday, and French children drink wine with dinner in the home starting at an early age. But U.S. parents who try to follow this relaxed European example, believing it fosters a healthier attitude….
The Disease Model of Addiction
If I went to my doctor with a set of symptoms, no one would question the fact that I was sick. No one would impose a moral judgment on me for having those symptoms, and I wouldn’t be viewed as a law breaker for being ill. But many people reject the idea of addiction as….
The Genetics of Alcoholism
Alcohol consumption is probably as old as human civilization, and so is its abuse. The social and physiological ill effects of alcoholism are well known. What is less clear is why certain individuals are more predisposed to it. Alcohol addiction is a multifactorial phenomenon where personality traits, individual and social influences interact with neurobiology, creating….