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Romancing Alcohol
I was all ready to write about Step Three this week because it is one of my favorites and I felt so inspired after my Monday meeting having heard so many thought-provoking shares. But something more timely came to my attention and I really wanted to share it with all of you. Do any of….
Understanding what alcohol does to your body
The holiday season brings plenty of reasons to celebrate and with them the temptation to eat and, perhaps, drink a little more than is wise. As we all know but sometimes forget, drinking too much inevitably leads to headaches, loss of energy and generally feeling rotten. But there’s only one sure way to avoid a….
Tide turns in favour of drug reform
One hundred years ago, the US convened the International Opium Conference. This meeting of 13 nations in Shanghai was the beginning of global drug prohibition. Prohibition slowly became one of the most universally applied policies in the world. But a century on, international support for this blanket drug policy is slowly but inexorably unravelling. In….
Adolescents and Alcohol
Does your child get drunk? How do you know? Do anyone else’s kids drink? Think it can’t happen to you? Maybe you don’t have adolescent children, but you drive on the roads here. Do you want a drunken teenager coming at you in the left lane? This is your issue too. Every day 4,500 young….
Female alcoholism remains hidden but widespread problem
A USA Today report said one-third of the estimated 17.6 million Americans with alcohol dependency are women. Photo illustration by David Wells New York mother Diane Schuler gained national attention this summer when she crashed her car into an SUV because she had high levels of alcohol and marijuana in her system. The accident killed….