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Treatment & Detox Guide
Time Lag in Vienna?
Programs that give drug addicts access to clean needles have been shown the world over to slow the spread of deadly diseases including H.I.V./AIDS and hepatitis. Public health experts were relieved when President Obama announced his support for ending a ban on federal funding for such programs. Unfortunately, Mr. Obama’s message seems not to have….
Anchorage center to commit alcoholics for detox
A new specialized treatment unit will open later this month in Anchorage to accept alcoholics involuntarily committed to a detoxification program. The unit is an attempt to intervene with street alcoholics who cannot make good choices for themselves, Robert Heffle, director of the Salvation Army’s Clitheroe Center, told The Anchorage Daily News in a story….
Understanding the Treatment Center Admission Process
All individuals who seek treatment for drug or alcohol addiction will need to go through the admission process at a treatment center when they enter the facility. Although treatment centers have varied procedures for admission, most have a rather standard protocol that includes evaluations and medical assessment as well as an introduction to the staff,….
Heroin-assisted treatment safe and effective: study
A University of B.C. epidemiologist says there is now evidence to support a heroin-assisted addictions therapy clinic in Vancouver. The North American Opiate Medication Initiative, or NAOMI, study was a Vancouver and Montreal-based clinical trial assessing how patients respond to heroin, methadone and other opiate treatment. The three-year study treated 251 of the most chronically….
Understanding what alcohol does to your body
The holiday season brings plenty of reasons to celebrate and with them the temptation to eat and, perhaps, drink a little more than is wise. As we all know but sometimes forget, drinking too much inevitably leads to headaches, loss of energy and generally feeling rotten. But there’s only one sure way to avoid a….