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Relapse Prevention Therapy Steps
Relapse prevention therapy is a type of therapy that aims at helping the recovering addict to cope with stressors that could potentially cause them to relapse. While relapse is a common occurrence for many addicts, relapse prevention therapy )RPT) can greatly reduce the chances of a relapse occurring because the recovering addict is already armed….
Alcohol consumption doubles since the 1960s
Britain is facing a “silent epidemic” of dementia as alcohol consumption has doubled since the 1960s, doctors have warned. The link between alcohol consumption and dementia is being ignored and unless urgent action is taken today’s binge drinkers will be tomorrow’s dementia patients, psychiatrists said. Public awareness campaigns and labels warning that dementia is linked….
Why do some heavy drinkers develop mouth and throat cancers while others do not?
A study by researchers in Europe has revealed why some heavy drinkers develop mouth and throat cancers while others do not and also why some people get drunk quickly. The answer it seems is genetic – as two gene variants appear to offer “significant” protection against mouth and throat cancers. The team of researchers led….
Seasons Recovery Center Malibu Alcohol Rehab with the Highest Success Rate in the Industry
Seasons Recovery Center of Malibu, California prides itself on providing the most successful alcohol rehab program in the industry. In fact, with an 85% success rate and a 1 year guarantee, alcoholics really can’t go wrong with Seasons Recovery Center. Taking a systemic approach to therapy and the treatment of alcohol addiction, Seasons Recovery Center….
Judge considering center for drug, alcohol help program
Court-ordered rehabilitation for drug and alcohol offenders may soon be a locally based option for those facing charges in Lincoln County Justice Court, a choice authorities say would provide them with better options for sentencing and enhance the effectiveness of such treatment. Lincoln County Justice Court Judge Ralph Boone and Post One Probation Officer Roger….