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Scots are drinking themselves into early grave
Scots are drinking themselves to death faster than Ever as the nation’s disturbing booze-binge culture starts to take its toll among thirtysomethings. Hospitals are now being swamped with more than 100 patients needing treatment for alcohol-related conditions Every Day, the frightening new NHS figures show. Liver disease has trebled in the past 15 years. But….
Common Misconceptions about Addiction
There are many misconceived ideas about addiction that lead people to make poor choices or to overlook certain consequences when addiction is a factor. Though addiction is a science that is continuously being addressed, many of the original ideas and perceptions about this disease continue to stick around in the minds of both those addicted….
Don’t drink and drive
We’ve read the 12 page report on “Reducing Drinking and Driving in Europe” by the European Commission — a sort of benchmark in sorting your way through the problem of alcohol-related traffic accidents. But it doesn’t take a report to tell you this: if you drink and drive, someday, somewhere, someone, is bound to die….
Drug Addiction Intervention: The Steps to Saving a Loved One
Drug addiction is a disease plagued by chronic relapse and an array of serious side effects. When a family member or loved one is addicted, and you’ve tried to get them to seek help, an intervention may be the only safe, solid solution to the problem. Denial is often an interfering factor for those who….
Bi-Polar disorder
Bi-polar is generally a cyclic disease where individuals display depressive and elevated episodes at regular intervals. It is a disorder resulting from the imbalance of the chemicals in the brain that causes a lot of fluctuations of mood. It is a fact that we all experience happy and sad moods, but people with bi-polar disorder….