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Study: Seattle housing for alcoholics saves money
A program that gives homeless alcoholics a place to live and drink is saving taxpayers more than $4 million a year, according to a study released Tuesday. The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, endorses a “housing first” approach that calls for putting homeless people in permanent homes with supportive services….
5 Signs Drug Treatment Centers are Your Only Hope
It’s hard to see addiction for what it is when its effects continue to influence a person’s perceptions. Making the decision to get needed treatment help also poses a tremendous challenge. Addiction operates as a chronic brain disease that impairs addicts socially, psychologically, physically and spiritually, according to the American Society of Addiction Medicine. After….
Choosing a treatment program for cancer
Cancer is a fatal disease. The number of deaths around the globe due to cancer is at a larger scale. Any treatment for cancer aims at destroying the cancer cells and as far as possible prevents its re-occurring. It is the responsibility of your doctor, to help you understand the various treatment programs available. In….
Middle classes vulnerable to binge drinking
Alcohol is being used as a tool to mask the inner demons of the middle classes, the chief executive of a new body to tackle substance abuse claimed last night. Binge drinking – commonly perceived as a problem associated with rowdy town and city centres – is equally evident in homes across Wales, according to….