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Former alcoholic turns savior
Until 2002, Kumar Dhakal, 51, of Surkhet was a respected journalist, a teacher and a responsible family man. In the five years that followed, that image was shattered as Dhakal made a descent into the abyss of alcohol abuse. He lost his job and was incapable of shouldering family responsibilities. “In those dark years, there….
Many Over 50 Are Binge Drinkers
Five or more drinks a day at one sitting affects 23 percent of men ages 50 to 64, reports Duke University researchers. We don’t usually associate binge drinking, that is guzzling large quantities of alcoholic beverages in one sitting, with older people. Instead it is usually considered a college rite of passage. But a new….
Study shows teen drinking rates getting worse
If you have children between the ages of 12 and 20, you might want talk to them about the dangers of underage drinking. A new study released from the Federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration says more kids are drinking at a younger age because their parents aren’t educating them enough about the….
The Holidays: Challenges and Survival Guide for Sober Alcoholics
Why are the holidays difficult for sober alcoholics? The holidays can be a triggering and challenging time for sober alcoholics, particularly for those in early sobriety. But why? There are a variety of reasons and this time of year can prove to be emotionally charged even for non-alcoholics. The holidays can be bittersweet, in that….
Alcohol on the brain: a look at the long term
For years, Ben had assumed all alcoholics were homeless men huddling below bridges inside cardboard boxes and nursing bottles out of paper bags like he saw in movies. But that was before Ben began college and came to know an alcoholic much more personally — himself. In less than one semester, Ben, who did not….