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Drinking by Scots parents revealed by young
Twice as many calls are made to ChildLine by young people concerned about their parents’ harmful drinking in Scotland than the rest of the UK. More than 230 Scottish children called ChildLine with their fears last year, according to a study. The majority of youngsters reporting concerns about their parents’ drinking also talked about physical….
An Alcoholic’s Savior: God, Belladonna or Both?
In October 1909, Dr. Alexander Lambert boldly announced to a New York Times reporter that he had found a surefire cure for alcoholism and drug addiction. Even more astounding, he stated that the treatment required “less than five days.” The therapy consisted of an odd mixture of belladonna (deadly nightshade), along with the fluid extracts….
Understanding the Treatment Center Admission Process
All individuals who seek treatment for drug or alcohol addiction will need to go through the admission process at a treatment center when they enter the facility. Although treatment centers have varied procedures for admission, most have a rather standard protocol that includes evaluations and medical assessment as well as an introduction to the staff,….
Drunks who attack hospital staff face pubs and clubs ban
A New scheme to ban people from city centre pubs and clubs if they assault hospital staff after a night out has been welcomed by Health Minister Edwina Hart. But Alcohol Concern in Wales said while the idea is “useful”, it believes some of the root causes of drink-fuelled violence, such as irresponsible supermarket and….
Binge drinking ‘increases risk’ of dementia
More under-65s – and women in particular – will suffer alcohol-related brain damage, say doctors Women are more at risk of dementia through drinking because they metabolise alcohol differently from men. Heavy drinking may be to blame for one in four cases of dementia. Doctors have linked alcohol intake to the development of the brain-wasting….