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Sleep problems persist, but there’s still hope for recovering alcoholics, new study finds
Sleep was an issue at the beginning for “Joe,” a recovering alcoholic from Evanston, but two years and nine months down the line, instead of drinking to pass out, he sleeps through the night. “Now it’s a pleasure to live. That’s what motivated me,” said Joe, who asked that his real name be withheld. Joe’s….
Reformed addict tells of his life as an alcoholic
It’s Been two years since a drop of alcohol last passed Neil Kimberlin’s lips. But despite his teetotal lifestyle the 58-year-old openly admits he is still is, and always will be, an alcoholic. At the height of his addiction Neil downed a whole litre of whisky every single day as well as drinking 14 pints….
Dual Diagnosis
Dual Diagnosis is a condition wherein a person has mental disorder as well as an alcohol problem. This is a condition that occurs very often, particularly with depression, personality disorders, anxiety disorders, Schizophrenia. Many times, the onset of Dual Diagnosis begins with the mental problems and to cope up with it, people use drugs or….
Say No to alcohol
The alcohol problem in Mauritius is a serious one and is considered as a burden for the Ministry of Health. A survey carried out recently reveals that 50% of male adults and 28% of women adults consume alcohol while there were 15% young adults who take it more than once a week. Moreover, around 45%….
Binge Drinking Puts the Brain, and Life Itself, at Risk
Nearly half of students at four-year colleges do it regularly (and, it’s not sex). Rather, it’s binge drinking — downing five or more alcoholic drinks at a sitting. “People have a hard time identifying alcohol as a drug,” said Jenny Hwang, associate dean of students and director of the counseling center at Stony Brook University….