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Treatment & Detox Guide
Alcohol a ‘major contributing factor’ in self harm
Alcohol was involved in nearly two thirds of self harm cases which were recorded as part of a pilot programme in the Western Health Trust area. The “Registry of Deliberate Self Harm” recorded almost 2,700 incidents between January 2007 and December 2008. The A&E units of Altnagelvin, Tyrone County and Erne Hospitals took part. The….
Drug abuse in Teen girls
Drug abuse is one of the major addictions affecting many people across the world. There is no age limit or gender limitations for drug abuse. Infact, in an official survey, it was found that compared to boys, girls “suffer more from drugs abuse”. This is largely because; teen girls are at “higher risk of depression”. ….
Methadone Rises as a Painkiller With Big Risks
Suffering from excruciating spinal deterioration, Robby Garvin, 24, of South Carolina, tried many painkillers before his doctor prescribed methadone in June 2006, just before Mr. Garvin and his friend Joey Sutton set off for a weekend at an amusement park. On Saturday night Mr. Garvin called his mother to say, “Mama, this is the first….
Mixing Drinks With Work and Staying Sober, Too
FOR Del Pedro, a bartender at the Pegu Club in SoHo, Mondays are especially challenging. That’s when he allows himself careful tastes of new drinks at the bar, where cocktails are designed with precision. Mr. Pedro, an alcoholic with almost 15 years of sobriety behind him, is part of a quiet brigade of people who….
Treatment for bulimia eating disorder
Most often, sufferers of bulimia do not seek medical help for improving their disorder, as they are ashamed or ignorant of their condition. Therefore, many times it is the parents, friends and the relatives of the sufferers, who need to be alert and on suspecting any symptoms of bulimia seek medical advice. The treatment for….