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Treatment & Detox Guide
5 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Drug Treatment Center
If you or a loved one is addicted to drugs and needs help, you should be prepared to present a series of questions when trying to choose between the variety of addiction treatment centers that are available. If you are looking for a drug rehabilitation hospital or outpatient drug rehabilitation program, or some less invasive….
Signs Your Loved One May Need Alcohol Addiction Treatment
Alcohol is the most abused drug in the world, and is the third leading cause of death in America. Alcohol addiction is a disease that plagues millions of Americans, but it is curable through alcohol addiction treatment and through the right therapeutic techniques. Signs your Loved one is Addicted to Alcohol There are different types….
Linwood Group Reveal Whether There is a Link Between Alcohol and Depression
Statistics prove the link between alcohol and depression reveal the Linwood Group. In the past, many in the medical profession have tended to view alcohol and depression as separate issues. However increasingly, research is showing that they are indeed strongly related to one another. In fact, after surveying over 14,000 people with early onset symptoms….
Doctors want booze marketing ban
There should be a ban on all alcohol advertising, including sports and music sponsorship, doctors say. The British Medical Association said the crackdown on marketing was needed, along with an end to cut-price deals, to stop rising rates of consumption. The industry spends £800m a year on promoting drinks – just a quarter of which….
Teen Drinking Tied to Bad Choices as Adult
Study Shows Alcohol Abuse as Teenager Could Affect Future Decision-Making Abuse alcohol when you’re young and you’ll make unwise decisions later on in life, a new study suggests. It is well known that too much alcohol can slow down a person’s ability to think, react, and make decisions at the current moment. But scientists from….