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Regular binge drinking can cause long-term brain damage
Just a few sessions of heavy drinking can damage someone’s ability to pay attention, remember things and make good judgments, research shows. Binge drinkers are known to be at increased risk of accidents, violence and engaging in unprotected sex. But the study is the first to identify brain damage as a danger of consuming more….
A new view of alcoholism could help you take charge of your drinking
We used to laugh at those zany friends and relatives who would make one too many trips to the holiday punch bowl and end up wearing a lamp shade by the end of the party. Today, we know the destruction alcohol can wreak on families, marriages, health, the workplace and on the road. Today that….
New Research Improves Early Detection And Survival For Pancreatic Cancer
There are new and innovative methods to better understand the risk factors for and improve earlier detection of pancreatic cancer. Specifically, researchers can demonstrate that the development of, new biomarkers, novel treatment targets, innovative approaches to screening and surveillance and improved understanding of risk factors can lead to diagnosis of pancreatic cancer at earlier more….
Children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome need intervention
Biggest barrier often mother’s guilt over drinking alcohol during pregnancy, says woman with affected son Alone and grieving the deaths of three close friends, Annette Cutknife drank for all nine months of her pregnancy. A college student at the time, she didn’t care what would happen, but the moment her son was born, she knew….
Alcohol abuse
Alcohol is daily consumed all over the globe. Alcohol is a drink which has the power to make psychoactive changes in the brain of the human body. Alcohol, when consumed regularly and in large quantities is sure to affect the physical well being of the person. People tend to be alcohol addicted because they enjoy….