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It's easy to fall off the wagon during the holidays
Holiday time is party time, and no holiday is more associated with the drinking of alcohol than New Year’s Eve. For some people, it is especially difficult to cope with party invitations at this time of year. Those who are newly sober, and trying desperately to resist the temptation to relapse, often wonder how to….
Finally, a little honesty about America’s inept war on drugs
Finally, after America has frittered away billions of taxpayer dollars arming Latin American death squads, airdropping toxic herbicide on equatorial farmland, and incarcerating more of its own citizens on nonviolent drug charges than any other industrialized nation, two political leaders last week tried to begin taming the most wildly out of control beast in the….
Older Drinkers: Timebomb For Carers, Health Services
A report Alcohol and Older People: A Review of issues and responses by researchers at the University of the West of England, investigating the implications for care provision for older people with alcohol problems, has identified that health care practitioners and alcohol services are likely to need to move up a gear to cope with….
Psychiatrists call for total ban on alcohol advertising
A GROUP of psychiatrists has called for a complete ban on all alcohol advertising and sponsorship in Ireland. Irish teenagers spent €145 million in 2006 on alcohol, more than the entire annual spend on illegal drugs, according to psychiatrist Dr Bobby Smyth from the Irish College of Psychiatrists, a representative body for Irish psychiatrists. Dr….
Advantages of Private Drug Treatment Centers
There are all types of treatment centers available and they each have their own benefits. Private drug treatment centers have the primary advantages of being private, providing luxury amenities, and being located in some of the best locations of the world. If you’re not sure what private drug treatment centers really have to offer, consider….