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Father Martin, national leader in alcoholism treatment, dies at age 84
The Rev. Joseph C. Martin, a recovering alcoholic and an international leader in the fight against alcoholism and substance abuse who was a co-founder of Father Martin’s Ashley, a Harford County treatment center, died early today of heart disease at his Havre de Grace home. He was 84. Father Martin’s “Chalk Talk on Alcohol” and….
Anti-addiction drugs linked to depression
Pills that aimed to help people quit smoking, lose weight and kick other tough addictions, have been found to block the body’s pleasure centres, possibly raising the risk of depression and suicide. Margaret Bastian was among patients who reported problems with Chantix, a highly touted quit-smoking pill from Pfizer Inc, which has been linked to….
Drunkorexia: Drinking And Not Eating
Not eating before drinking alcohol is something young people have been doing for years but now there’s a slang term for it — drunkorexia. College campus health facilities are starting to take a closer look at the problem and how to curb the dangerous fad. “‘Oh I’m going to drink my dinner tonight,’ is a….
Long Term Drug Rehab
There are all sorts of methodologies for treating alcohol and drug addiction. Some just require a couple weeks. Most emphasize one month of treatment stay. However, if the addiction is severe enough, a long term drug rehab program may be in the best interest. More and more addiction treatment facilities are emphasizing a 90-day treatment….
Types of California Treatment Centers
The number of drug-induced deaths in California totaled out at 4,178 in 2006, according to a report by the California Drug Control Update. Within the same year, 4,306 people died in car accidents and 3,268 people died from firearm-related incidents. With drug-induced deaths coming in at a close second, this number amounts to 11.4 out….