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Drink with mother
You expect your parents to teach you things. But alcoholism? Frances White recalls how her mum encouraged her to binge when she was just a child – and eventually passed on her own addiction I was nine when my mum poured me my first drink. “Here,” she said, handing me a glass of Cinzano and….
Is 18 too young to drink a beer?
Is 18 too young to drink a beer? A group of college and university presidents and administrators have called for a public debate to rethink the legal drinking age in the United States. Some of them openly support lowering the age to 18 from 21; others are truly looking for help in dealing with a….
'Women and Methamphetamine' workshop in Fortuna raises awareness
It’s a success story in an area with too few success stories. When she was 19 years old, Kim Selby came to Humboldt County to grow pot. Then she became addicted to methamphetamine. Today, she is off the drug and runs a clean and sober house for women in Fortuna. The nine women who live….
Judge considering center for drug, alcohol help program
Court-ordered rehabilitation for drug and alcohol offenders may soon be a locally based option for those facing charges in Lincoln County Justice Court, a choice authorities say would provide them with better options for sentencing and enhance the effectiveness of such treatment. Lincoln County Justice Court Judge Ralph Boone and Post One Probation Officer Roger….
Clinical physician argues changes needed to cut into alcohol abuse
Fighting the estimated $5 billion impact of alcohol and drug abuse on society requires more than stricter criminal laws, a physician told a local group Friday. Dr. Richard Brown, Wisconsin Initiative to Promote Healthy Lifestyles clinical director, argued there are several ways to cut such costs in courts, social services and health care: Boost community….