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Former alcoholic turns savior
Until 2002, Kumar Dhakal, 51, of Surkhet was a respected journalist, a teacher and a responsible family man. In the five years that followed, that image was shattered as Dhakal made a descent into the abyss of alcohol abuse. He lost his job and was incapable of shouldering family responsibilities. “In those dark years, there….
Middle classes vulnerable to binge drinking
Alcohol is being used as a tool to mask the inner demons of the middle classes, the chief executive of a new body to tackle substance abuse claimed last night. Binge drinking – commonly perceived as a problem associated with rowdy town and city centres – is equally evident in homes across Wales, according to….
Heavy drinkers seek out bargains
A study of heavy drinkers consuming hundreds of units of alcohol a week found they were buying cheaper drink than most other people. One study author said it was “likely” a minimum price for alcohol, as proposed by the Scottish government, would cut these problem drinkers’ consumption. A total of 377 people were interviewed as….
Common Misconceptions About Addiction Treatment
You’ve probably heard all sorts of things about addiction treatment like it’s impossible, it’s painful, it doesn’t work, or it’s only effective if you have hit rock bottom. Because you’ve hear all of these things, you’re probably rather scared to seek help or you may not even think that it’s worth it—these are all common….
Advantages of Residential Alcohol Treatment Centers
Alcohol treatment centers provide a range of options and services that are aimed at helping alcoholics and their families to overcome the physical and psychological strongholds of addiction and regain control of their lives. Residential alcohol treatment centers provide inpatient treatment that, although not right for everyone is very beneficial at helping those who have….