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Treatment & Detox Guide
Questionnaire helps students evaluate drinking habits
TORONTO – Laura Adamarczuk was initially blase when asked to complete an online questionnaire to evaluate her drinking habits. The survey was compulsory for residence dons at the University of Western Ontario, but the 21-year-old felt the exercise had minimal value. A student who went out with friends about twice a week was, after all,….
Violence Against the Homeless: Is It a Hate Crime?
The chapel at Immanuel Presbyterian Church was filled to capacity last Saturday afternoon, with mourners moving up to the balcony. Much to the surprise of his family, hundreds — from infants to senior citizens — came to honor John Robert McGraham, a homeless man who was brutally murdered on Oct. 9. McGraham, 55, was doused….
Gene hooks smokers at first puff
Puffing on a first cigarette is a rite of passage for many teenagers, but whether it is enjoyable may be partly down to genetics, researchers suggest. University of Michigan scientists have identified a gene variant found more often in people who said their first cigarette produced a “buzz”. These people were much more likely to….
Overeaters Anonymous provides support in fight against compulsion
FRAMINGHAM, Mass. — Facing a dozen strangers seated around a table, the heavyset man with thinning hair put down his coffee and paused before introducing himself: “My name is Christian. And I’m a compulsive overeater.” For the next hour, members of the MetroWest Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous shared personal stories of long-term weight gain and….
Things to Avoid When Choosing the Right Treatment Center
The decision to seek treatment is a tough decision to make but the challenge doesn’t end there. Once you have opted to seek help there are a number of challenges that surround you such as trying to find the best type of treatment and choosing between various treatment centers that provide a range of services….