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Nurses to offer patients advice on alcohol intake
Nurses are to advise patients about their drinking habits as part of a scheme to tackle binge drinking. Patients who return to hospital for treatment after a drink-related injury will receive advice from nurses about their alcohol intake. The assembly government-led scheme will start across Wales in February. The chief nursing officer for Wales said….
Study says parents shouldn’t drink with their teens
It’s not uncommon for parents to serve their teenagers alcohol as a way to teach responsible drinking habits. While attending Los Gatos high school in the South Bay, I experienced this first hand, going to many keg parties where a parent was filling the plastic cups with Coors Light. Usually, the parents felt it was….
Binge Drinking Puts the Brain, and Life Itself, at Risk
Nearly half of students at four-year colleges do it regularly (and, it’s not sex). Rather, it’s binge drinking — downing five or more alcoholic drinks at a sitting. “People have a hard time identifying alcohol as a drug,” said Jenny Hwang, associate dean of students and director of the counseling center at Stony Brook University….
Getting sober in the Jewish community
Like the term teetotaler, the notion that Jews can’t be alcoholics is a bit quaint. It’s also a myth that can be an obstacle on the often painful but ultimately exhilarating path to recovery. “I think it can make it more difficult,” says a Camden County businessman and Reform Jew who, at 51, has been….
Why Obama Isn’t Funding Needle Exchange Programs
Buried on page 795 of President Obama’s budget, released last Thursday, is a paragraph banning the federal funding of needle-exchange programs for drug addicts — an apparent about-face on his campaign promise to overturn that longstanding ban. To the further consternation of AIDS and addiction activists, a statement of support for needle exchange was recently….