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Treatment & Detox Guide
Linwood Group reveals five essential things to ask when choosing a rehab clinic
The Linwood Group today revealed the five most important things to look for when choosing an alcohol rehab clinic. Deciding to seek treatment for alcohol dependency may be one of most courageous and life-changing steps someone will ever take. But not all alcohol rehabilitation programmes are created equal – in fact, they vary a good….
Opiates and the Brain – How Addiction Happens
Opiate addiction develops out of a series of changes that take place inside the brain. Over time, these changes alter the brain’s overall structures and chemical processes. As these alterations take shape, a vicious cycle of opiates and the brain ensues for as long as a person continues to use. According to the U. S…..
This Is Your Mom on Drugs: Aging Doesn't Stop Drug Use
It’s the kind of tongue-in-cheek concept that might have percolated out of the subversive imagination of R. Crumb, underground cartoon chronicler of the 1960s. Grandma and Grandpa are passing the time in their rockers—and passing a joint back and forth as they recall their youthful marijuana-smoking days in Haight-Ashbury. In fact, according to three investigators….
Drug addiction- an overview
Many a times in our lives, we do face problems. These problems are bound to break us emotionally as well as psychologically. Therefore, as a way out, one make take the help of certain chemical substances like the drugs that relieves him of all tensions or stress temporarily. This may lead him to getting addicted,….
Alcohol abuse among German youths more than sobering
Recent cases of teen and even child alcohol binges are indications of increasing abuse by younger Germans, as an alarming new report published by a German health insurance company reveals. Just last week, three children aged 11, 12 and 13 were found passed out at a playground in the city of Paderborn after drinking vodka…..