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5 Ways Counseling Helps in Alcohol Addiction
Alcohol addiction, much like any addiction, is partially physical and partially psychological in scope. As such, counseling is a vital part of the recovery process for those who are addicted to alcohol. There are many ways that counseling can help in alcohol addiction, this article focuses on just 5 of the most common ways that….
Study: 60% of U.S. Adults are Drinkers
Around six in 10 American adults drink alcohol and the same number are either overweight or obese, according federal health statistics. The National Center for Health Statistics released a report Monday on health behaviors of American adults. Data was collected between 2005 and 2007. Among the other key findings: While 61.2 percent of adults are….
Binge drinking injures 500,000 annually
The habit of college students to over-indulge is no youthful prank, say health experts Universities and colleges are “missing the mark” in their fight against binge drinking on campus, which a new study says leads to 500,000 injuries in one year in the U.S. alone. The research suggests that blanket efforts, such as cutting down….
Drinking Problem: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
When Diane O’Connor adopted four children she had been fostering, she knew she had challenges ahead of her. Her previous experiences with foster children at her home in Upstate Albany had proven such kids often suffered from a variety of emotional and behavioral problems. This was understandable, given the abuse and neglect they had endured….
You may be drinking to your death
Excessive consumption of alcohol impairs normal reasoning and can lead to injury or even death. Ugandans love their drink. When you ask most, even ladies, how their perfect evening would be, the answer usually is, “At an outing having a drink.” A drink here doesn’t refer to one bottle of beer; what most of them….