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It's easy to fall off the wagon during the holidays
Holiday time is party time, and no holiday is more associated with the drinking of alcohol than New Year’s Eve. For some people, it is especially difficult to cope with party invitations at this time of year. Those who are newly sober, and trying desperately to resist the temptation to relapse, often wonder how to….
You Can’t Help an Alcoholic Until They’re Ready – Right?
For many years people, treatment professionals, family members and the like have all believed that in order for an alcoholic to recover from the alcoholism they have to WANT to recover. It’s been believed that you can’t help an alcoholic until they are ready to accept the help – right? This statement couldn’t be further from the….
‘Take a look at your boozing’
People should take an honest look at their alcohol intake before they cross the line into addiction, the head of a Tayside alcohol dependency support group said today. Catherine Lawson, chairwoman of the Tayside Alcohol Problem Service Clients’ Council, said it was vital for people to be aware of their personal drinking habits to ensure….
Advantages of Private Drug Treatment Centers
There are all types of treatment centers available and they each have their own benefits. Private drug treatment centers have the primary advantages of being private, providing luxury amenities, and being located in some of the best locations of the world. If you’re not sure what private drug treatment centers really have to offer, consider….
One out of seven hospital beds is filled by a drinker
ONE in every seven hospital beds in the Lothians is taken up by a patient who is ill through alcohol abuse, it has emerged. The statistic is the latest stark illustration of the rising cost of alcohol abuse to the NHS. Included in the tens of thousands of people occupying beds in the ERI every….